Weidert Wednesday: Does a RevOps Focus Make the Inbound Flywheel Obsolete?

Greg Linnemanstons
Posted by Greg Linnemanstons on April 12, 2023

Hello, RevOps… goodbye, flywheel?

Whether you embraced inbound marketing more than a decade ago or you’ve recently joined the inbound community, you probably invested significant time and energy retraining marketing and sales teams to think and act differently.

In that process, you got teams to change their thinking from a sales funnel mindset to a marketing, sales and service flywheel.

The flywheel serves as an easy-to-envision symbol of the dynamic forces at play in your growth strategy, and how momentum and friction anywhere can impact your ability to attract, engage, and delight customers.


It was the flywheel that helped you adjust your team’s focus and improve customer experience to increase retention and optimize customer lifetime value.

So, does adopting a revenue operations framework mean that now you have to abandon the flywheel?

Absolutely not — and here’s why.

Revenue Operations and the Inbound Flywheel: Transcript

HubSpot introduced the inbound marketing flywheel (and declared the death of the sales funnel in 2018). It serves as an effective visual tool to understand the relationships and interactions between prospects and your sales, marketing, and customer success teams on the journey from initial website visitor to loyal promoters of your brand.

We also apply the flywheel concept to the RevOps model, for these two reasons:

1. Keep Customers at the Center

The flywheel puts the customer at the center of everything you do, and emphasizes the importance of achieving three key connections with customers:

  • Attraction
  • Engagement
  • Delight

And that’s not just in the business development process. It’s about your ability to continually attract, engage with, and delight existing customers, too — throughout their entire customer lifecycle.

2. Maximize Customer Lifetime Value

The flywheel is also a constant reminder of the unlimited potential of the customer lifecycle — and the opposite of assuming customer relationships have to be linear or limited in depth.

In other words, when your customers are at the center of everything you do — in this case, at the center of your RevOps thinking — you never stop paying attention, listening, eliminating friction from your processes, and making improvements for the benefit of your customers.

And your investment in developing customer-centric revenue operations pays you back — in momentum that powers your flywheel and grows your business.

Get Started on Your RevOps Improvement Process

A revenue operations framework rejects defining business revenue merely as units sold. Instead, your company’s revenue is a measure of how well your processes, platforms, and people achieve your growth goals — together.

First and foremost, that means making sure all your teams are using an agreed-upon, single source of data truth. And once you’re all in agreement on what’s true, RevOps means aligning and integrating tools and processes to be mutually supportive across departments and operational units.

Here’s your chance to learn more about how a RevOps implementation realigns and unifies marketing, sales, and customer services operations. Sign up to attend Experience Inbound, April 26 in Green Bay or April 27 in Milwaukee, and don’t miss out on the RevOps breakout session. Click below to register now!

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