12 Days of Christmas: Inbound Marketing Style - Day 2

Tami Wessley
Posted by Tami Wessley on December 5, 2013
12 Days of Christmas blogs

On the second day of inbound…

In keeping with "The 12 Days of Christmas" theme, yesterday we gave you "1 fabulous website." Today, it’s "2 blogs each week."

Why two?

  • Frequency matters. While it’s true that B2B companies that blog 1-2x/month generate 70% more leads than those who don’t blog at all, companies that increase their blogging from 3-5x/month to 6-8x/month almost double their leads!
  • Research shows that 50 total blog articles seems to be the magic number when it comes to SEO and traffic performance. In fact, after hitting that 50 total, companies typically see a 45% growth in website traffic and after 200 articles, generate over 5x the number of leads than those with 10 or fewer posts.

Stumped on how to keep your blog full of good stuff? Download our "10 Ways to Keep Your Blog Stocked with Great Content" tip sheet!

Tomorrow's another day - what do you think we'll give you?

10 ways to keep your blog stocked with great content


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