AI-Infused Smart CRMs: ChatSpot & Einstein GPT Amplify the Power of ChatGPT for B2B Marketers

Eric Severstad
Posted by Eric Severstad on March 23, 2023
marketer watching chatspot ai for crm demo

Hello, HubSpot customers and partners (and investors)! Did you celebrate a little recently?

HubSpot’s CTO and cofounder, Dharmesh Shah, announced on March 6, 2023 that a new AI marketing tool, ChatSpot, will soon infuse functionality similar to ChatGPT directly into HubSpot CRMs. That announcement included a 19-minute demo, placing this major platform at the cutting edge of AI.

Well, one day later Salesforce announced their AI for CRM: Einstein GPT. Although this announcement was a 1-minute, music-driven overview video (not nearly as warm and personal as ChatSpot’s), it got the point across: Our CRM has AI capabilities, too!

If you know ChatGPT (at this point, you really should), you understand that your prompts drive the response you get from the AI. With this new functionality, those prompts can be applied directly to your organization’s CRM.Some examples:

  • “How many contacts are in my HubSpot CRM?”
  • “Give me a summary report of data in my portal”
  • “Find Wisconsin SaaS companies with over 10,000 employees”
  • “Write an email to announcing the new language AI product explaining its benefits for B2B marketers”

As you see, prompts can be high level or extremely specific. Having the power of AI actually embedded within a CRM is (forgive the cliché) a game changer. It truly shifts how organizations will conduct marketing moving forward.

Let’s Explore These Smart CRM Tools


Imagine ChatGPT’s easy-to-use format (asking questions in natural language via a chat interface) combined with HubSpot’s CRM and CMS platforms … and throw in some image-generation AI, too.

Currently in alpha with access restricted by a waitlist, ChatSpot will soon have a huge impact on HubSpot customers’ productivity. Plus, HubSpot recently introduced another beta — a GPT-powered content assistant that helps create content within the HubSpot platform.

During Dharmesh Shah's demo video, he covered three use cases: sales/CRM, reporting, and marketing, and showed examples of how ChatSpot works. 

“ChatSpot takes a natural language query (just like ChatGPT) — and using the power of ChatGPT, and the HubSpot CRM, and DALL-E 2, and Google Docs, and keyword research, and a bunch of other things — it actually then does something with your natural language query and … boom … it gives you the outcome you are looking for.” —Dharmesh Shah, CTO, HubSpot

Einstein GPT

Similar to HubSpot, Salesforce is combining ChatGPT technology with their proprietary AI models and real-time data. Einstein GPT delivers AI-created content across the platform’s sales, marketing, commerce, service, and IT at hyperscale with the goal of “transforming customer experiences.”

Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, says, “The world is experiencing one of the most profound technological shifts with the rise of real-time technologies and generative AI. This comes at a pivotal moment as every company is focused on connecting with their customers in more intelligent, automated, and personalized ways.”

RELATED: The AI in marketing guru is coming to Wisconsin! Catch Marketing AI Institute CEO Paul Roetzer’s keynote session during Experience Inbound on April 26 (in Green Bay) or April 27 (in Milwaukee)… get tickets now!

The Ongoing Evolution of AI Technology

Are you starting to get the idea of how AI goes far beyond language writing models? Think of any part of a business — sales, operations, human resources, finance, legal, IT — AI will be there eventually if it isn’t already. So, it’s important to understand how AI works, not just what it can do.

As innovation scales up and advanced AI models are launched, more and more affordable AI tools should be available everywhere, right? Yes, but think of the recent announcements from two of the largest CRM platforms. Having AI tools directly within these familiar systems will no-doubt spark the expanded use of AI but could also reduce the number of different AI tools needed for businesses to achieve results.

After all, why search among a myriad of unknown tools when a familiar source has that ability? Large tech companies can now develop new tools quickly or even buy up interesting startup AI tools to add to their platforms.

READ MORE: 7 Insights to Guide Your Marketing Strategy from Experience Inbound 2023

With these recent announcements, it’s now incredibly obvious how much AI will impact marketing and business overall, yet it’s critical to remember to stay focused on connecting with customers in automated AND personalized ways.

Take a Stand on AI

So, what is your company’s official stance on AI? You don’t know?! It’s time to take a public position that lets customers, employees, and vendors know how you’ll be using (or not using) AI.

With some inspiration from the Marketing AI Institute (theirs is called a “manifesto”), here is Weidert Group’s AI Use Statement:

Weidert Group will use AI …

  • as a research tool
  • to create outlines, ideas, headlines, and social media posts only
  • to transcribe audio
  • to generate image ideas
  • for content summarization of transcripts
  • as a complement to our human-centered approach; AI technologies are assistive, not autonomous
  • to assist the critical role of human knowledge, experience, emotion, and creative imagination
  • responsibly, fully understanding the limitations and dangers of AI
  • transparently, to maintain the trust of our clients, audiences, and stakeholders
  • to upskill and reskill professionals
  • to build more fulfilling careers and lives
  • for the betterment of humanity and society

Weidert Group will not use AI …

  • for generating copy unless its use is clearly identified as an example of AI content
  • for any image, video, or audio solely generated by AI
  • images over stock photography or any copyrighted material
  • to replace human accountability; real people must remain involved in all AI applications
  • to deceive or spread falsehoods, misinformation, disinformation, or propaganda

These principles fall under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, so feel free to edit, adapt, and build upon this statement and credit the original source. Again, this list was inspired by the Marketing AI Institute.

We hope it’s clear that people remain the center of our entire philosophy. The uniquely human experience is the source for originality, creativity, and effective strategy. Companies that forget that marketing expertise is required to use AI tools to their fullest and most ethically will suffer.

Post your “AI Use Statement” on your website, share it with your customers and vendors, and make sure your staff understands it and lives it. Need guidance? Let us know. No one has all the AI answers, but it’s important to move in the right direction.

“The companies that you want to bet on are the ones where leadership is out with a point of view on AI,” says Marketing AI Institute CEO, Paul Roetzer. “AI matters, and it matters right now. And [companies] need to make some moves to figure it out,” he said on his Market AI Show podcast.


Wondering how your competitors are using AI tools in their sales and marketing efforts and how you compare? Take our inaugural State of Industrial Sales and Marketing survey, conducted in partnership with our friends at Databox, to get instant access to results. You can also join our Databox Benchmark Group, GA4 Sales & Marketing Benchmarks for Industrial & Manufacturing Companies to see how your website and lead gen performance compares (free Databox account required). 

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Topics: Marketing Technology, Artificial Intelligence